How to Disable Auto-Brightness in iOS 13
With iOS 13, Apple has introduced several quick tricks for enhancing the user experience. Some of these tweaks are really good. For example, the new location of AssistiveTouch is easy to access. But some changes have made it tough for users, like the new location of Auto-Brightness. You can no longer disable Auto-Brightness in iOS 13 from Display & Brightness settings. It is now hidden deep inside Accessibility settings.
Since it is a very frequently used feature, the relocation has made it difficult for users to access it. So, in this tutorial, we are going to show you how to disable Auto-Brightness in iOS 13 and iPadOS 13. Just follow this tutorial and you won’t have to wander in search of the Auto-Brightness toggle.
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Turn OFF or ON Auto-Brightness on iPhone and iPad
Though Auto-Brightness is a pretty useful feature as it saves battery life by adjusting brightness according to surrounding lighting conditions. But sometimes, the sensor fails to correctly depict the surrounding light. Which sometimes causes low brightness in sunlight and high brightness in dim light.
So, to tackle this problem, it’s a good idea to adjust the display brightness manually. For that, we will have to disable Auto-Brightness on iPhone or iPad first. Just follow these steps:
Step 1: Open Accessibility Settings
First of all, open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. In Settings, scroll down and select Accessibility. Now, tap on Display & Text Size in the VISION section.
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Step 2: Disable Auto-Brightness in iOS 13
In Display & Text Size settings, scroll down to the very bottom. Here you will find Auto-Brightness toggle. Disable the toggle to turn off Auto-Brightness.
You are done here. Your iPhone or iPad will no longer adjust the brightness automatically. And you can control display brightness manually.
INFO: If you wish to re-enable Auto-Brightness in your iPhone or iPad, you can do so by going to same path as explained above. Just enable the toggle next to Auto-Brightness.
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Disable Auto-Brightness on iOS 13 & iPadOS 13
The above tutorial explained the quick way to turn off Auto-Brightness in iOS 13 or iPadOS 13. The new location of Auto-Brightness settings is quite confusing and hard to find for many users. But we hope you will get used to this with time.
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