How to Play Steam Games on Chromebook

Chromebooks are not best suited for playing games. However, with Linux support, you can install and play Steam games on your Chromebook as Steam officially supports Linux. So, you just need to enable Linux support on your Chromebook and you are good to go.

The best part is that you don’t even need to enable Developer Mode on your Chromebook. So, if you are a big fan of Steam games, you can play your favorite games on Chromebook without any problems. Plus, Steam installation is also quite easy which makes it even better.

SEE ALSO: How to Sideload Android apps on Chromebook without Developer Mode?

Install and Play Steam Games on your Chromebook

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to install and play Steam games on a Chromebook. We have tested several games on Chrome OS using Steam. Most of them worked perfectly without any problems but some failed to run. Let’s see the steps for Steam installation on Chrome OS.

Step 1: Set up Linux on your Chromebook

As mentioned earlier, you need to set up Linux on your Chromebook first. Next, you need to enable GPU acceleration for Linux in Chromebook for better graphics and smoother gameplay.

Select Linux Beta From Left Pane And Click Turn On To Install Linux On Chromebook
Turn on and install Linux on the Chromebook

Step 2: Get Pre-requisites Ready for Steam on Chrome OS

After enabling Linux, it’s time to meet the basic requirements for Steam. To do that, open the Linux terminal on your Chromebook and run the following commands one by one.

echo 'deb jessie main contrib non-free' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update
Install Dependencies Required To Play Steam Games On Chromebook
Install dependencies required for Steam

SEE ALSO: How to Run Roblox Games on Chromebook in 2024?

Step 3: Install Steam on Chromebook

After you are ready with all the basics, it’s time to install Steam on your Chromebook. Run the following command in the Linux terminal.

sudo apt install steam
Install Steam On Chromebook Failed
Install Steam on Chromebook failed error

If installation via terminal doesn’t work, you can also download and install the Steam Linux app from the official website. Just download the latest Steam Linux app from here and save it to a folder on your Chromebook.

After that, run the downloaded steam_latest.deb file from File Manager on Chromebook. You may need to press “Y” to continue installation.

Install Steam Latest Deb File In Chromebook Via File Browser
Install steam_latest.deb file on Chromebook

After installation, Steam will update itself before launching. This may take some time depending upon the download size and your network speed.

Updating Steam After Installing
Updating Steam after installing

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Step 4: Log in to your Steam Account and Enjoy

Finally, the Steam Linux app will launch on your Chromebook. You will see a login page. Use your existing account to sign in or create a new Steam account.

Login To Your Steam Account
Login to your Steam account

After successful sign-in, you will see your Steam dashboard. Here, you can install and play all your favorite Steam games.

Install And Play Steam Games In Chromebook Via Steam Linux App
Install and play Steam games on Chromebook via the Steam Linux app

INFO: We have tested several games like Stardew Valley, Tank Force, and Squad on our Chromebook and they all worked fine. However, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive failed to run. So, we recommend you try your favorite games and let us know if they work for you.

SEE ALSO: How to host Minecraft server on your Android phone?

Play your Favorite Steam Games on a Chromebook via Linux

The above tutorial explained how you can install and play your favorite Steam games on Chrome OS. Though the installation process is not very simple it’s not very complicated either. You can easily follow the above steps and enjoy Steam games on your Chromebook.

Besides Steam games, you can also install Minecraft, Skype, etc. on your Chromebook. So, try your luck with apps & games, and let us know your thoughts in the comment section down below.

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