How to Block Spam Notifications and Pop-ups on Android

Notifications serve a great purpose for companies to improve user engagement. Notifications are also very useful for users to receive important updates from subscribed services. However, some apps exploit this feature of Android to bug users by sending spam notifications. These spam notifications may include advertisements, pop-ups, etc. So, in this tutorial, we are going to explain how to block spam notifications on an Android phone, be it from a browser or installed Apps.

Disable Spam Notifications on Android Phone

The main sources of pop-ups and spam notifications are:

  • Installed apps and
  • Web browsers.

In this tutorial, we will be explaining how to block unwanted notifications from both apps and web browsers.

A) Block Spam Notifications from Web Browsers

We will start with the notifications from web browsers. After that, we will block notifications from installed apps. So, let’s check browser notifications.

Step 1: Block Notifications from the Notification Panel

Just like blocking websites on a PC, you can also disable or block spam notifications from web browsers on an Android phone. Whenever a spam notification appears from your browser, simply long-press and select Turn off notifications.

Disable Browser Notifications from Notification Panel
Disable browser notifications from the Notification Panel

Step 2: Disable Notifications in Site Settings

Alternatively, you can disable browser notifications in Site Settings. Open your browser, then go to Settings > Site Settings > Notifications. Here you can manage notifications for individual websites. You can either entirely block browser notifications or make websites ask your permission before sending notifications.

Disable browser notifications in Site Settings on Android
Disable browser notifications in Site Settings

SEE ALSO: How to customize website notifications in Safari browser?

B) Block Full-Screen Pop-ups from Apps in Android Phone

Some apps display full-screen pop-up ads out of nowhere. Only apps with special Android permission can push full-screen ads on your screen. Let’s see how to find the culprit and disable spam pop-up notifications.

Step 1: Open Overlay Settings

First of all, open Settings on your Android phone and search for “Display over other apps“. Tap on the search result. If your phone is running on Android Nougat or later, you can search for “Appear on top” or “Display overlay“.

Search for Display Over other Apps in Settings on Android
Search for Display Over Other Apps in Settings

Step 2: Check the ‘Display over other Apps’ permission

Now, you will have the Settings page displaying all Special app access permissions. Tap on Display over other apps and you will have the list of apps that have permission to appear or display a pop-up window on top of other apps. Here you can block spam notifications or popups.

Disable Display Over other Apps permissions
Display Over other Apps – permissions

Step 3: Disable Overlay Access

Check the app list and disable overlay access of the suspecting apps. If you are not sure about the culprit app then first of all disable all the apps at once. And start granting permission to the trusted apps one by one. After you find the spamming app, you can uninstall or disable the permission if the app is necessary to keep. Now, you have blocked full-screen spam notifications.

Select App and disable "Allow display over other apps"
Select App and disable “Allow display over other apps”

SEE ALSO: How to Hide Apps on Any Android Phone?

C) Block Push Notifications from Installed Apps

Besides full-screen pop-up ads, apps also send push notifications. Some of these notifications might not be very useful to users. Let’s see how to disable or block spam push notifications from apps.

Step 1: Block Notifications from the Notification Panel

You can disable notifications from specific apps right from the notification panel. When you see a notification from an unwanted app, simply long-press on it and select “Turn off notifications“. You will either get a direct option to block notifications (as seen below) or an App Info button which will take you to the app’s settings page where you can disable push notifications.

If you have accidentally disabled an important notification, you can tap on the Undo button to restore it.

Disable push notifications from apps via notification panel
Disable push notifications from apps via the notification panel

Step 2: Block Notifications from App Settings

If you’re looking to disable notifications for multiple apps, you can do so in Settings. Go to Settings > Apps and Notifications (this path might be different for you) on your Android phone. Here, you will see the list of apps that are allowed to send notifications. You can disable spam notifications from multiple apps here.

Disable notifications from Apps Settings
Disable notifications from Apps Settings

See Also: Disable Ads, Bloatware, and Push Notifications in MIUI?

Disable Spam Notifications on your Android Phone

The above tutorial explained 3 quick ways to block spam notifications on your Android phone. The spam notifications may come from your web browser or installed apps. Sometimes, these harmless-looking spamming apps may leak your data on the dark web, so, be vigilant.

Hope you were able to disable the spam notifications or ads from various apps using this tutorial. In case you have some queries or suggestions, feel free to share them in the comments below. You may also subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates via email.

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