How to Check System Uptime in Windows 10

Knowing system uptime helps in troubleshooting. System uptime tells you for how long your computer or device has been running without shutting down. So, in this tutorial, we are going to discuss some simple but effective ways to check system uptime in Windows 10. These methods also work on previous versions of Windows.

Windows allows you to find out your computer’s uptime in several ways. For example, you can easily find out when your computer was last rebooted by checking in Task Manager. Besides that, you can also use simple Windows CMD commands or even PowerShell commands to find system uptime in Windows 10.

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Find When your Computer was Last Rebooted

So, let’s start finding out when your computer was last restarted and check system uptime. We are using Windows 10 in this tutorial but these methods will also work on Windows 11, 8, 7, and Windows Server editions. Let’s start with the easiest method first.

Method 1: Check System Uptime in Task Manager

You can check your computer’s uptime in Task Manager easily. Just open Task Manager on your computer and go to the Performance tab. Here you can check your system’s uptime in CPU utilization details.

Open Task Manager And Go To Performance Tab And Check System Uptime In Windows 10
Task Manager > Performance Tab > Check System Uptime

Method 2: Use the SYSTEMINFO Command in CMD

Let’s move to the next method. We will use Windows Command Prompt to check when your computer was last started or turned on. So, we need to open Command Prompt first. Go to Run, type cmd and press Enter to open Command Prompt.

Go To Run Type Cmd And Press Enter To Open Command Prompt
Run > Type cmd > Press Enter

In the Command prompt, we will use the systeminfo command to check computer uptime. Type the systeminfo command in CMD in the following format and press Enter.

systeminfo | findstr /i "Boot Time"

We have used findstr to filter the string containing Boot Time from the long output of the systeminfo command. You can see your PC’s boot time next to System Boot Time as shown below.

Use Systeminfo Command To Find System Boot Time In Command Prompt
Use the Command to find the System Boot Time

1. A to Z list of All Windows CMD Commands.
2. Top 10 Command Prompt Tricks for You.
3. How to Uninstall a Program using Command Prompt?

Method 3: Check Uptime in Network Adapter Properties

Moving on, our next method for checking system uptime is via Network Adapter Properties.

NOTE: Please note that this method is not foolproof as your network adapter might be disabled while your computer is ON. But this happens rarely and you can very much rely on it.

First of all, open Network Connections. You can go to Run, type ncpa.cpl and press Enter to open Network Connections.

Go To Run Type ncpa.cpl And Press Enter To Open Network Connections
Run > Type ncpa.cpl > Press Enter

Next, right-click on your network adapter and select Status. Here, you can see your network adapter’s running duration (which is equivalent to system uptime in Windows).

Check System Up Time In Network Properties Status
Check System Up Time in Ethernet Status

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Method 4: Check System Uptime via Event Viewer

The next method to check system uptime in Windows 10 is via Event Viewer. Windows creates logs for every event that occurs while your computer is ON. So, every time any service is stopped or started, a log is created in the Windows Event Log.

Though there is no specific event that tells you about the system turning ON, there are some services that start on Windows startup. We can use these services as the system startup indicator. So, in this tutorial, we are going to use Windows Event Log Service (which starts at Windows startup) to determine when the computer was last turned on.

Whenever Event Log Service is started, a log with event ID 6005 is created in Windows Event Logs. So, we will find the latest event with ID 6005 in Event Viewer to check your computer’s uptime in Windows 10.

Go to Run, type eventvwr and press Enter to open Windows Event Viewer.

Go To Run Type Eventvwr And Press Enter To Open Event Viewer
Run > Type eventvwr > Press Enter

In the Event Viewer, go to Windows Logs > System in the left pane. Now, right-click on System and select Filter Current Log…

In Event Viewer Right Click On System Under Windows Logs And Select Filter Current Log
Right-click on System and select Filter Current Log

Next, you will see a new window to filter logs by specifying parameters. Here, replace <All Event IDs> by 6005 (event ID for startup of event log service) and click OK.

Enter 6005 In Even Id Field And Click Ok
Enter 6005 in the Event ID Field and click OK

Now, you will see all logs with event ID 6005. Double-click on the latest log and open it. Here, you can see when this event was Logged. You can consider this time as your computer’s start time. And use this time to check system uptime in Windows 10.

Open First Event From The List And Check Logged Time For Checking System Up Time In Windows 10
Open the latest 6005 event to check System Uptime

Method 5: Find the Computer Start Time using PowerShell

The fifth and last method we are going to explain is finding the computer start time via PowerShell. What we did in the previous method using Event Viewer, can also be done using PowerShell in a single command. So, in this method, we will use Windows PowerShell to find the latest event log with ID 6005 (Event log service start time). Then, you can use this time to find your computer’s uptime.

Search for powershell on Start and select Run as administrator to open PowerShell with administrative privileges.

Search For Powershell In Start And Select Run As Administrator
Search for powershell and select Run As Administrator

Now, in the PowerShell window, type the following command to find the latest event with ID 6005.

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname='System'; id=6005} | Sort TimeCreated -Descending | Select -First 1

You will see the details of the latest 6005 event. You can consider TimeCreated as your computer’s start time and hence calculate system uptime.

Check System Uptime In Windows 10 Using Powershell
Find the latest 6005 events using PowerShell

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Check System Uptime in your Windows 10 PC

The above tutorial explained 5 methods to check computer uptime in Windows 10. The most reliable, simple, and straightforward method is using the Task Manager. However, it’s a good idea to keep all these methods handy. Event Viewer and PowerShell are advanced tools that you can use to troubleshoot problems in Windows 10.

Well, we hope you liked this tutorial. In case you are facing any troubles while following this tutorial or you have any queries, feel free to drop them in the comment section down below. You may also subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest tutorials directly into your inbox.

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