How to Make Undeletable Unsearchable Folder in Windows
It’s easy to hide files or folders in Windows by changing attributes to Hidden. However, it is easily hackable. There are many third-party software available that can help you make an undeletable, unsearchable folder in Windows. But you can also do it natively.
By using this method, your folders and files will become completely unsearchable. In this method, we will change the folder’s attributes to not only Hidden but also to System and Read-only.
Windows does not search system files unless directed by the user and you can’t easily delete a system folder plus it is not visible. Even if you try to delete this folder using Command Prompt, it gives an Access Denied error.
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Create a Secret, Hidden Folder in Windows without any Software
You just need to create a normal folder and set its attributes to make it undeletable and unsearchable. Just follow these steps.
Step 1: Create a New Folder
First of all, create a folder with any name. In this tutorial, we have created a folder in the “C:” drive with the name Secret. You can choose another location and another name.
To create a new folder, right-click anywhere on the blank space and select New > Folder.
Rename this newly created folder to any desired name. We have used the name Secret.
Now, you can copy your secret files (documents, movies, etc.) and folders inside this ‘Secret’ folder.
SEE ALSO: How to Make an Invisible Folder in Windows?
Step 2: Make the Folder and its Content Unsearchable and Undeletable
Now, we will change the attributes of this folder (including everything inside it) to make it unsearchable and undeletable.
Press Windows Key + R to launch the RUN utility. After that, type cmd
and press Enter or click OK.
and press EnterCommand Prompt window will open. We will use CMD commands to make the folder undeletable and unsearchable in Windows.
In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter. This command will change the attributes of the folder.
attrib +r +h +s /s /d "C:\Secret"
Now run the following command to change the attributes of the files and subfolders of the ‘Secret’ folder.
attrib +r +h +s /s "C:\Secret\*.*"
attrib | Used to change attributes of any file or folder. Check the ‘attrib’ documentation. |
+r | Change the attributes of the file or folder to Read-only. |
+h | Change the attributes of the file or folder to Hidden. |
+s | Change the attributes of the file or folder to System. |
/s | Apply the attributes to sub-folders |
“C:\Secret\*.*” | Address of Target file or folder including subdirectories. |
SEE ALSO: How to Hide Files in Image using Command Prompt?
Step 3: Try to Find Our Secret Folder
Go back to the location where you recently created the Secret folder. You will not find any Secret folder there, it has been hidden.
Now, we will try to find our secret (undeletable unsearchable) folder by enabling the “Show hidden files, folders, and drives” in the Folder options in Windows Explorer.
After that go back to the location where you created the Secret folder. You will still not see it there.
One more try. This time, try to search the name of our secret folder in the entire drive. You will still not find it.
Step 4: View or Access the Secret Folder
So, you see the folder has become unsearchable. Besides that, if you try to delete that folder, it will give you the access denied error.
Now, we will see how to access this secret unsearchable or undeletable folder. So, first go to the location where you created that folder (in our case it is C: drive) and click on the Address bar.
Now, type the full address of that secret folder and press Enter or click on the Arrow button on the address bar to continue.
Boom! You are right there in the Secret folder. You can’t see the content of that folder as we have changed the attributes of the Secret folder including files and subfolders.
To make the content of the folder accessible, run the following command in CMD with administrator rights:
attrib -r -h -s /s "C:\Secret\*.*"
Now, you can access the content of the folder easily.
SEE ALSO: How to Hide Files and Folders on Mac using Terminal?
Keep your Important Data Safe in Unsearchable Undeletable Folder
Now, you can keep your important data secure in this secret folder and nobody will be able to access them. Even by enabling Show hidden files and folders, nobody will be able to see your files unless they know the exact path of the folder. And if you don’t tell anyone, nobody will know it.
Hope you liked this trick. You can check for more Windows tricks here. In case you are facing any issues, feel free to share them in the comment section below. You may also subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest tutorials directly into your inbox.
It’s a failure, because even after all that work, even if the search really can’t find the folder, it can still find the files inside it.
Just try it then create a .txt file inside of it named with some unusual name like “morango” and do the search. It just ignores the folder, but finds that file inside the hidden folder, and even shows the address.
Be it photos, secrets or even porn, if people use the right keyword, they only need to find one to find everything.
Even if you go into windows search and indexation setting to add the folder to exception list, it still can find the files inside of it. IF want something hidden, use a program for it at least use coded names to make the search harder, like “nvnb3r” = “number”.
Valid point. Updated the article to mitigate the issue. Hope this helps.