How to Uninstall Magisk from Your Android Phone

Magisk is one of the best root solutions for Android phones. However, when you root your Android phone and install Magisk, you can’t use some banking-related apps. Besides banking apps, some games also don’t work with Magisk installed. Earlier the Magisk Hide feature allowed users to hide root from banking apps. But in Magisk v24 or later, the Magisk Hide feature has been removed. So, to run the banking apps you need to uninstall Magisk from your Android phone.

Uninstalling Magisk from your Android phone is not very tricky. Just like installing, there are several ways to uninstall or remove the Magisk. If you have the Magisk app installed on your phone, you can uninstall it using that. Besides that, you can also use Custom Recovery like TWRP or your PC to uninstall Magisk.

SEE ALSO: How to Hide Apps on your Android Phone?

Uninstall or Remove Magisk from your Android Phone

So, in this tutorial, we will show you how to remove Magisk from the Android phone using the App, TWRP Recovery, and PC. Let’s start with the easiest method first.

Method 1: Remove Magisk using the Android App

Uninstalling Magisk via the Magisk app is quite easy. All you need to have is the Magisk app must be installed on your phone.

  • Open the Magisk App on your Android phone.
Launch The Magisk App On Your Android Phone
Launch the Magisk App on your Android phone
  • Now, tap on the Uninstall Magisk button to remove Magisk from your Android phone. After that, tap on the COMPLETE UNINSTALL button. After uninstalling Magisk, your phone will reboot.
Tap Uninstall Magisk From Home Screen And Then Tap Complete Uninstall
Tap Uninstall Magisk from the home screen

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Method 2: Remove Magisk using TWRP

the second method we are going to talk about is via the TWRP recovery. So, if you have installed TWRP recovery on your Android phone, you can use it to uninstall Magisk.

  • First, download the Magisk APK from this GitHub page.
  • After downloading, rename the APK file to You can use any file manager app for this. Make sure to put the file at the root of your SD card.
Rename The Magisk Apk To Uninstall Zip File
Rename the Magisk APK to
  • Next, boot to TWRP recovery using the Power and Volume button combination. You can search on Google to find the correct key combination for your device model.
  • Tap on the Install button on the TWRP home screen. After that, browse and select the file from your SD card.
Go To Twrp Recovery Tap On Install And Select The Uninstall Zip File
Tap on Install and select the file
  • Finally, swipe write at the bottom to uninstall Magisk from your Android phone. You can see the progress on the screen. After the process is complete, tap on the Reboot System button to restart your phone.
Swipe Right To Install The Zip And Tap On Reboot System After That
Swipe right to flash the zip
  • If you also have the Magisk app on your phone, uninstall it like any other Android app.

SEE ALSO: How to Change TWRP Recovery Language to English?

Method 3: Uninstall Magisk using a PC

You can also use your PC to remove Magisk from your Android phone. However, you will have to set up ADB on your PC first. Besides that, you will also need to enable USB debugging on your phone. Once you are ready, follow these steps.

  • Download the stock boot.img file for your current ROM and put it into the ADB folder.
  • Open Command Prompt in the ADB folder and boot your phone to the Fastboot mode using the adb reboot bootloader command.
Reboot Your Phone Into Fastboot Mode Using Adb Command
Reboot your phone into the Fastboot mode
  • Run the fastboot devices command to view the attached devices.
Run Fastboot Devices Command To Check The Connection
Run fastboot devices command
  • Now, flash the stock boot.img file using the fastboot commands. Type fastboot flash boot C:\adb\boot.img and press Enter. Here, C:\adb\boot.img is the path of the stock recovery image file.
Install Boot Img Using Fastboot Adb Command From Pc
Flash stock recovery using adb
  • The above command will replace the current recovery with stock recovery and uninstall Magisk from your Android phone as well. After the process is complete, type fastboot reboot command to start your phone in normal mode.
Type Fastboot Reboot Command To Restart Your Phone
Type fastboot reboot command to restart your phone

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Remove Magisk from Android Phone Easily

After removing Magisk from your Android phone, you can now continue installing your favorite banking apps or games. Your phone will be unrooted after uninstalling Magisk. So, banking apps won’t have any issues.

All three methods explained above are quite easy and simple. So, you won’t have any trouble following them. In case you have any troubles, feel free to write them down in the comment section below.

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